No Limit Games

In 2010 myself and some fellow students set out to create our first game Vengeance.
No 14 years later the team may have abandoned the project but I have still continued with development of other games.
Now in 2024 I have created and completed three tabletop games called Battle of Souls, Battle of Souls - Deckbuilder, and Death of Liberty. with three more titles currently in production.
No Limit Games lives on through its co-founder now 100% owner and will continue to do so!
Keep your eyes on us as we bring the first of our games, Battle of Souls to KickStarter and follow it with the other games.
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Other Sites
Be sure to take a look at our sister sites:
Soulsbattle.com Battle of Souls
DB.Soulsbattle.com Battle of Souls - Deck Builder