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Looking for Volunteers!!

The Vengeance project is currently at a stand still and in need of specific skill sets to push forward. Due to the fact that the game isn't done, which means we are not at a selling point yet; we are unable to pay up front for work done on the game. Therefore in light of this, we are seeking those that would like to volunteer their free time to help make this game a reality. Although "you" would be coming on as a volunteer, this doesn't mean that when the game is finished and sold, you won't get some monatary compensation for your hard work. When the game has been completed and sells EVERYONE that participated in the design and completion of the game will be rewarded for their hardwork by sharing in the profits made by the sells of the game. Whether they were a volunteer or one of the team.

So there really isn't anything to lose.

Below are the skill sets that we need fulfilled.

  1. Character Rigging

  2. 3D Character Animation

  3. Level Concept Design

  4. Environmental Modeling (Level Model Design)

  5. 2D/3D Interface Concept Artist

  6. 2D/3D Interface Design

  7. Unity Programmer (AI, Combat Scripting & Mechanics, UI)

Click here if you want to volunteer!
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