Welcome citizen of the New Dominion Empire. Our illustrious leader Caesar wishes to thank you for your continued support of the empire. Please continue to do your part as a citizen of our great empire to aid in the flushing out and elimination of those that would dare to stand against our leader Caesar and the New Dominion
The Empire has maintained peace in this world for the past 5 years and as a symbol of the peoples appreciation of our leader, Caesar, the New Dominion Empire publishing company has partnered with an indie game developer called No Limit Games to bring to you the Dominion approved board game titled; Death of Liberty!

Join the New Dominion forces while your lessors join the foolish Resistance. Seek out the enemy leader; destroy his country, much like our leader; Caesar did to the the world leaders, to win the game.
This is a game of strategic global warfare! Where the victors, that being the New Dominion of course, will reign as the rulers of the world.

Show the Resistance that even in a game they /usr/login/root_access/hackresistance# login_success> We are the Resistance! What the dominion is saying is a lie!!! Join the Resistance and bring freedom back to the World! Take down the New Dominion!! /usr/login/root_access/hackresistance# logout_success Remember citizens! Freedom comes through bloodshed! "Victoriam Sanguinem Tetigit" Long live the Empire!