20 years ago a man who called himself Caesar started a campaign to rule the world. Many crazed dictators have come before him; all with the same over-ambitious goal to rule the world. They have all failed. However; Caesar did not.
In a coordinated and very strategic attack, Caesar made his presence known by attacking the United States. The attack was swift and precise. Before any of the American allies could come to their aid, America fell!. After the fall of the US he moved on to the rest of the Americas. After several years he controlled all of the west and started to move his way across the Atlantic.
Europe and Russia were next and both fell to the overwhelming might of his military which seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere.
It took 15 years for Caesar's New Dominion to destroy or conquer every country on the planet.
It has been 5 years since the great war has ended. The world is now controlled by the New Dominion and under one law; Caesar's.
Resistance cells which were first unorganized and separate are now unified under the leadership of the former US President, and have began to bring the fight back to Caesar.